Be careful what you wish for...
So, I've been raving about summer being the nicest month in Britain, and on and on to all who would listen, about sunshine and picnics and Pimms (borrowed link, thanks Jason!) etc. BUT then the weather decided to be ironic lately and there have been nights I had the urge for a scarf, it was so cold. And grey. Everyone I know has been complaining about the lack of summer and the ridiculous low temperatures for June!And yet here we go, this weekend everything spun around and I have sweated my way through jugs of Pimms and sunscreen, with temperatures around 30 celsius. (Well that was the quote, it felt much much hotter, especially in the sun.) So NOW I'm so HOT in my room-with-one-window-and-no-air-flow especially at night! Well I won't complain TOO much because I love the sunshine and my white skin needs some...and laying in Regent's Park today was great.... but I was also ROASTING. There seems no happy medium, I mean couldn't it have been 23-25 degrees with the same sunshine and less roasting?
Ok I am from Miami, and everyone always says 'Yes but you're USED to the heat!!' and my standard answer has become, 'no, we're used to air conditioning!!' In Miami, 8-9 months of the year are too hot to really spend time outside. (except maybe floating on a raft in the pool or ocean). And so we live in air conditioned houses, get into air conditioned cars, and drive to an air conditioned work. Possibly go to an air conditioned bar or other social venue afterwards.
So the SHOCK on the system is not really the heat, it gets much hotter at home, but it is the way the heat soaks into every inch of existence in a place like England that doesn't expect much heat and so is less prepared for it. How do you sleep with no air movement and no sheets? (ok well buy a cheap crappy fan from Argos or Dixons and enjoy the slow moving hot air..) What do you do when you put on makeup and 5 min later are greasy with sweat? How do people not get ill with the stifling sauna-like heat and smelly BO on the tube? How do you study in an unairconditioned environment? Drink at a dark stuffy pub without a/c? Not let all your food go bad after sitting out for 5 minutes, when your fridge is too small to put everything in? etc etc.
Ok enough drama, you get what you asked for, and we all asked for summer. I'm not really unhappy, we count our days of sunshine over here as very precious indeed and I'm mostly griping about my current warm temperature but its a love-hate relationship. I'll go rub aloe on my burnt skin now and lay out my bathing suit for more sun-soaking tomorrow, quite happily I'll add. Hey, I am from Miami you know.... ;)
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