week in the life
So what is an example of a week of Cambridge MBA life?? Well no such thing as a 'typical' week, and in fact I often have a thought of "when I get into a standard routine, or when it is a less-busy week, I will do such-and-such" only to realize that there is no chance of that in this busy year and every week has some sort of 'exception' making it atypical. But it is definitely exciting for sure.An example of life in the dayplanner this week:
-End of a weekend trip to Rome. (Now that we are in the last term, with electives and more individual work instead of projects and exams, there appears to be slightly more opps for weekend travel.)
-Catch up on mountain of emails from trip away
-Go for a long run along Trumpington Rd in the (yes) sunshine.
-Complete summary of a mock hostile takeover bid for Corporate Governance class.
-Prepare for tomorrow's recruitment fair.
-Attend guest speaker: former chairman of BBC Gavyn Davies discusses dealing with politicians, and experiences with the BBC and Iraq war controversy.
-Go to the gym.
-Catch up on reading for Social Enterprise and Capital Markets electives.
-Attend Cambridge-Oxford recruitment fair. (An annual event that alternates location between Cambridge and Oxford each year, this year was here. Attendees included Amazon, Google, Dell, Ernst & Young, CapGemini, Fidelity, Loreal, Merck, and many more. I was most interested in Merck personally.
-Go to drinks reception with Oxford and Cambridge MBA students. A uniqe opportunity to meet with counterparts at "the other place" (not supposed to mention Oxford by name of course!). Actually a great time out.
-Finish the night at RiverBar for a promotion on dinner for all associated with the business school, celebrating the leaving of a great staff member and also our weekly pub night. Many pictures and wine glasses later...
-Sleep in, recover.
-Attend lectures in honor of previous class graduation.
-Work on CV and job applications.
-Potential for another pub night, with last year's MBA class.
-Girls touch rugby practice 11am! Getting ready for the MBAT, the European MBA Olympics held in France at the end of this month. Of course it helps for our team to learn how to throw and catch a rugby ball first... (my self included).
-Free time!
-Attend annual MBA class football tournament: MBA class of last year versus this year. Rumor is that the faculty may pull a team together as well...
(Note: in case you are thinking, hmmm, that's a nice description of your week, but when do you go to CLASS?? The electives are scheduled in different phases, and it happens that my class load was virtually none this particular week. Next week back to 6 lectures or so...)
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