Tuesday, February 22, 2005

'Behind the Music'

I had a random thought today that doing all of these case studies is a bit like VH1's 'Behind the Music.' Have you ever noticed if you, for example, watch a behind-the-scenes or interview show about a music group, you often automatically have a newfound appreciation for them, the next time you hear their music?? You know more about the band, and you feel somehow more connected with them based on your understanding from watching a feature show about them.

It can be that way with all these endless case studies...forced to plow through endless company details, sometimes very tedious and irrelevant details, you come out on the other side of the case with a deeper knowledge about that company, its history and challenges and strategies, and like it or not, often more of an appreciation. Or at least understanding, if not appreciation. I guess this goes back to my previous post about looking at companies differently after reading their 'behind-the-scenes' case study or doing a project on the company.


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